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Labour launched its political manifesto yesterday with Gordon Brown promising a lot more of the same with a lot less money (so how does that work then?). Education, Health and Public Sector reform were the headlines. Personally I am a little nonplussed. We’ve poured billions of pounds into Education, the NHS and Public Sector – have we had the best return-on-investment? I think not. Perhaps what is needed is less money and less meddling…allowing creative ideas to emerge.

If all the billions that have been invested in education, health and the public sector had been invested in manufacturing instead, we certainly would not be in the mess we’re in now. And if the billions spent on propping up banks had been invested in the newly-emerging digital economy, perhaps the UK would have become epicenter of the digital world. Nirvana!

24 days to the election

If I were voting today, it would still be the Liberal Democrats. Coalition government might bring greater scrutiny to public spending and ideologically move politics to the centre.